Motifs - heat up nicer!
You can freely choose the decor of your infranomic heating unit. We have a lot of different photos and picturemotifs in our portfolio to create a very special atmosphere in every room. When choosing a motif, however, you are not limited to our selection. At request we can design your own personalised infranomic heating element. Just send us any motif - for example by email. Please make sure that the image has a sufficiently high resolution (approx 5 megapixels or more). Please not that there may be slight discoloration especially in case of very bright motifs. In case of own motifs, this does not constitute a reason for complaint.
Please select a preferred format (portrait or landscape):
Motifs portrait format
Per Klick auf die Abmessungen erhalten Sie eine Vorschau auf die erhältlichen Größen.
Motifs landscape
Per Klick auf die Abmessungen erhalten Sie eine Vorschau auf die erhältlichen Größen.